Everything you need to know about the MTCP course
In this section of the website, we provide you with all of the information you need on the Medical Transcription Certificate Program (MTCP) provided by TranzMed.
Click on the links to the left to read information on the course, the duration of the course, flexible study options and more.
Once you have familiarized yourself with the course, have a look around this website to see what other students have said and to explore the exciting career opportunities on offer. This is one industry where there is a shortage of skilled personnel, so you will be in demand!
If you've made your decision to start the enrollment process, then please click on the link below. Once you've completed the pre-enrollment process successfully, you'll be granted access to the area of our website where you can enroll. The good news is that you can complete the full course in one step, or break it down into Stage One and Stage Two. Simply choose the option that suits your financial situation and your lifestyle the best - or if you're unsure about whether this career is right for you, then start with Stage One and re-assess your interest at the end of that period. There are part-time and full-time options and we're here to be as flexible as possible to ensure that you get all the support you need.
Take the first step - you'll be glad you did!