Welcome Military Spouses
Would you like to be able to adjust your work hours to meet your spouse’s hours in the military?
Looking for work where location is not an issue? Moving overseas, returning to the USA, moving every three years can all be accommodated with this career. Revolutionize your life by choosing a truly portable career that pays well and is intellectually rewarding.
I was worried about going back to college as an adult but found that by attending an online school, I was able to work at my own pace and getting my qualification was a great experience.
Ivette ButlerOnce I had kids, having a qualification became an example I wanted to set for them. After exploring the online study option, I knew it was right for me. I kept my job, tended to my family and got my qualification at the same time. Graduating was finally a completed goal. I have enjoyed my time as a student and appreciate the format for learning that is used. I have been challenged by the facilitators, they were always ready to help me with any questions, and my peers to dig a little deeper with the subject matter. I have come to appreciate the opportunities of online courses, which was perfect for reflection, further thought processing and yet comfortable enough to carry a balanced home and work life. |
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TranzMed welcomes all U.S. Military personnel, veterans and spouses of current military personnel. This online education program is designed to offer training in a career that is high growth, high demand, portable, self-paced, and offers great possibilities for graduates on the move. For help in answering any questions you may have regarding the process for funding or life as a military spouse studying at TranzMed or working after graduation, please contact Rosemary Turner Waugh at rosemary@tranzmed.com and she will be happy to help.
Why is TranzMed the best school for me?
TranzMed has displayed proven excellence in graduating students with work-ready skills, capable of sitting successfully for the first credential (RMT), who qualify to enter the government-approved National Apprenticeship Program.
How do I get started?

Can I get financial assistance to study?
Yes, there are several types available:

As a member of AHDI online’s approved school list, TranzMed can help military spouses access up to $6,000 in Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) Financial Assistance. There is no cost to participate in MyCAA. Just follow these simple steps.
CAA funding
What is CAA funding?
Career Advancement Accounts, also known as CAAs, are self-managed accounts that must be used with approved local education and training institutions. CAA funds must be used for expenses directly related to career preparation. For example, CAA funds may pay for tuition, fees, books, and equipment necessary to complete education, training, credentialing and licensing.
CAAs provide military spouses education and training they need to have portable careers that allow spouses to move to new locations and continue in their same careers.
Who is eligible for CAA funding?
Your sponsor must be active duty, assigned to one of the 18 demonstration installations and have one year or more remaining at the current duty station. You must be able to complete your education program before your sponsor separates from active duty. Visit the military education center for eligibility verification.
This time ANY military spouse from any base will be qualified to receive the funding. Also, the processing has changed slightly. Interesting spouses will be required to go through a career counselor with the DOD, and the counselors will help them identify the best profession and program to participate in.
How do I apply for CAA funding?
Our academic advisors can help military spouses in selecting a “career goal” and choosing programs from our school to meet that goal. Your chosen program is then documented by each military spouse in his/her “Career Plan” available in the “Career” section of the CAA application form which is available at http://caa.milspouse.org/Eligibility/Process/
- Click here to view DoD’s Student Bill of Rights which applies to military spouses in order to ensure high quality education.
Can I get a scholarship to fund my study?
- Operation Life Transformed offers scholarships for medical transcriptionists. Go to http://www.operationlifetransformed.org/training.html for more information.
- TranzMed Ltd has a number of scholarships available for students who meet the criteria. Click here to find out about scholarships.
Other funding that may be available:
Contact the Education officer at your local base to find out about local funding that may be available.
For soldiers only: http://www.jfhq-ga.com/education/
The Army at the federal level does provide $3,000 per year. Here is a link to one of their websites: http://www.aerhq.org/education.asp
Some useful resources to assist in your decision making: The Military Spouse Initiative can be found on your Military Spouse Career Center, http://www.military.com/spouse/cf/0,,cf_other_pop_health-medicaltranscriptionist3,00.htm.
For more information, please contact the Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) or the Medical Transcription Industry Association (MTIA)
www.ahdionline.org www.mtia.com
www.ahdionline.org www.mtia.com
The Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (formerly American Association For Medical Transcription) has also created a site dedicated to the Military http://www.ahdionline.org/scriptcontent/MilSpouses.cfm.
http://www.military.com/spouse/cf/0,,cf_other_pop_choose-field,00.html to read an article about Selecting the Right Career Path